Yoko Tsuno Tome 15 Wotan's Fire

Pas Livre de prof
ISBN: 9781849185363
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Tranche d'Age 8 à 12 ans
Auteurs Roger Leloup
Nombre de Pages 48

When Ingrid, Yoko's organist friend, invites her to a German castle, what are the chances it's merely for a concert? Among a collection of ancient instruments she is there to authenticate, Ingrid found a strange, technologically advanced device. It belonged to a physicist whose final work was, supposedly, a so-called 'death ray'. Trouble soon follows, and to prevent a mysterious gang from stealing the horrific technology, Yoko and her friends may have no choice but... to use it.

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Tranche d'Age 8 à 12 ans
Auteurs Roger Leloup
Nombre de Pages 48
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